Peaches Product of the Month: Mojo Kombucha!

It’s that time again! We’re super excited to announce our new Peaches Product of the month: Mojo Kombucha! That’s right, we’ve finally joined Team Mojo!

So you may be wondering, what is Mojo Kombucha anyway? Well luckily, we’re here to guide you through everything you need to know about your soon to be favourite drink! Basically, Mojo Kombucha is a sweet tea and a pretty refreshing one at that! But there’s plenty of other reasons that make Mojo Kombucha extra special.

Not only is it an organic superfood, it’s also gluten free and vegan friendly. It’s already ticking all of our boxes! Made with a unique fermentation recipe, it’s designed to balance the mind, body and soul. Everything is in harmony, just as it should be!

You even get a little surprise in every bottle! That’s because it’s made with healthy yeast and bacteria, technically making it a living product! Inside every bottle are some unique strands of culture that just make your tea even more enjoyable and healthy. This is to show that it’s totally natural and hasn’t been sterilised or synthesised.

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Mojo Kombucha comes in six different assortments, all available at Peaches! We challenge you to find your favourite from Original, Ginger Tonic, Lemon Citrus, Raspberry Passion, Perfect Passionfruit and Blueberry and Ginger Bliss! It’s going to be a pretty tough decision, but we think you’re definitely up to it!

So are you feeling thirst yet? Drop by Peaches today and pick up a bottle for just $3.99 and discover exactly why Mojo Kombucha deserves to be our product of the month!


Coco for Coconut Water!

Coconut water isn’t just another health trend, it’s here to stay! Whether you’re looking for a tasty alternative to water, a non dairy smoothie or a natural  electrolyte boost, coconut water is the way to go. If you weren’t amongst the first wave of coconut water lovers, you may be wondering what’s so good about it – or even what is it? Don’t worry – we have your crash course in coconuts right here!

Milk vs Water – What’s the difference?

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 Coconut water is confused with coconut milk all the time! It’s pretty easy to do! But there are some key differences between the two products. Coconut water is found inside the cavity of the coconut, while coconut milk is made from the white pulp of the fruit. So, there’s your main difference! But the list doesn’t quite stop there!

Coconut milk is much higher in fats in calories. It’s so smooth and creamy that it’s used in recipes such as smoothies, soups and curries. While coconut water on the other hand, contains sodium and potassium, making it the ideal beverage to help you hydrate after exercising.  In fact, coconut water can help replenish body fluids even better than some sports drinks, and some even argue plain water itself! It’s even been dubbed ‘Nature’s Gatorade’!

Now that’s a miracle in a bottle for you!

What Coconut Water can do for You

 There are so many amazing health benefits that come from drinking coconut water! And we’ve got them ready for you, right here!

 Improves Skin Appearance









 That’s right coconut water can even help slow down the signs of aging! It contains a special plant growth hormone called cytokinins that strengthens and hydrates connective tissues and combat against aging! You can even rub some of it straight on to your skin to help with acne, eczema, stretch marks and wrinkles!

Improves Digestive Health

If you’re having some trouble with indigestion, coconut water can provide you with some relief! With a high concentration in fibre, coconut water can help prevent it’s occurrence of indigestion as well as acid reflux.

Reduces Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can sometimes be caused by an uneven level of electrolytes. Now here’s where coconut water comes in! High in electrolytes, this miracle drink can perform a bit of a balancing act and get your blood pressure back to normal with regular consumption!

Weight Loss

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There’s even been some studies aiming to prove that coconut water can aid your with weight loss! It can work to improve your metabolism and even help your body keep itself hydrated! It also acts as a diuretic that helps shed any excess water weight that your body may be holding on to!

Why We Love Coconut Water!

 There are so many reasons why we love coconut water! From the refreshing taste to the incredible health benefits that it can help provide you with, we can’t see any reason not to!

In fact, coconut water is so very near and dear to our hearts that we’ve decided to make it our Peaches Product of the Month! So if we’ve now got you feeling a bit coco for coconut water yourself, make sure to head in store today!

We’ve got Born Coconut Water for just $2.99 per litre!

An Unforgettable Valentine’s Day

Once again, Valentine’s Day proved to be a pretty busy day for everyone at Peaches! Especially with our beautiful 80cm long roses and delicious home-made chocolates proving to be a hit! But there’s another reason why yesterday was a very special day for all of us! It was also the day of the Freo Streetwise’s Charity Car Cruise, a wonderful event that helps to support the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and Breast Cancer Care WA.

Our very own Rob and Frank Di Tullio were among the first to show their support for the cause by donating the first $1000! According to Rob, “It’s our way of giving back to the community that supports us.” They’ve been doing their very best to show the community just how much they care by also donating to other charities including St. Patrick’s Community Support Centre as well as other local schools and hospitals.

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Both Rob and Frank had an incredible time at the event and loved the opportunity to take their very own street machines out! You may have even spotted their Ford GT and Torana A9X out and about yesterday along with some of the other amazing vintage cars of Perth! Rob and Frank also did their best to urge other Freo businesses to get involved either by donating or even joining in the cruise themselves. They were absolutely overwhelmed with the generosity that they were reciprocated with!

With 17,250 men projected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the last year, there’s never been a more important time to get involved. Every little bit can help make a huge difference! To see so many people from the community involved in such an important event was truly heart-warming!  Rob and Frank would like to sincerely thank the fantastic people who were involved and helped organise the event! As well as everyone who participated and donated.

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Nothing make us happier at Peaches than seeing the community coming together to support a much needed cause. It was a Valentine’s Day that no one is going to be forgetting anytime soon! The Di Tullio brothers can’t wait to see you all there again next time!


Peaches’ Complete Guide to Healthy Living

There’s something truly magical about this time of year! Summers here and along with it so many delicious in season fruits: mango, grapes, cherries, apricots, melons and plenty more! But summer fruit isn’t the only thing that we’re excited about. January usually means something changes inside a person as they make the goals and resolutions for the New Year. We all know that the most popular New Year Resolutions usually centre around getting active and starting a brand new healthy lifestyle. And here at Peaches, we want to support and motivate anyone who has made the brave decision to embrace this new lifestyle. So we’ve decided to create the Complete Guide to Healthy Living, just for you!

It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey to healthy living is different. You just have to find the right way that works for you! The first thing that anyone in this position should do is set some goals. This way you know exactly what you want to achieve this year and also how to strive for it. A good tip is to write your goals down as a constant reminder. Whether your goals are about waking up that extra bit early to get in a morning run every day or cutting down on sugar, once they’re set, they can be achieved!


Diets can be pretty tricky to figure out! If you’re looking to find out more about certain dietary requirements and what’s the right path to choose, make sure to check out our previous blogs on gluten and sugar free diets as well as veganism and vegetarianism.

Maybe a detox is the right option for you! Every detox is different, but they all revolve around cleansing your body and leading a life of better health. Some involve strict fasting or relying on one single source of nutrients such as the lemon detox. If you find yourself trying out one of these detoxes, make sure to cut down on the exercise to prevent nausea and dizziness. Detoxes are an excellent way to help you feel fresh and guide you further down the path of healthy living!

There are so many benefits to heathy living! So many in fact that it’ll make the switch to a healthy lifestyle so much easier for you! Some of these fantastic benefits include:

  • Increased energy
  • Increased self esteem
  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Built up muscle mass, decreasing the chances of diseases such as osteoporosis
  • Improved sleeping patterns
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type two diabetes

There are plenty of reasons to make the change to healthy living. Even though we’ve all heard it a million times before, a New Year can, in fact mean a new you! So if you’ve decided to make 2016 your year for new beginnings and a fresh lifestyle, Peaches is behind you 100%. Make sure to visit us soon to pick up all the fresh ingredients you need to achieve your goals.

And now we leave you with this last health tip. Check out these morning smoothie recipes that will help keep you motivate throughout the day!


Peaches Product of the Month: Mango

Mango is known as the “King of Fruits” and with good reason! Nothing says summer in Australia like the enticing tropical scent of mango floating through the home. Juicy, vibrant and tangy, it’s no wonder that we’ve decided to make mango the product of the month here at Peaches! From the incredible health benefits, versatility and of course that refreshing taste, we feel that mango definitely deserves to be celebrated!

There are so many reasons to love mangoes, starting with the amazing things that they can do for your body! Mangoes contain antioxidant compounds that help protect against prostate, colon, breast and leukemia cancers. They can also help improve eye sight, digestion, lower cholesterol, boost immunity and even clear your skin! In fact, if you’re looking to get your skin that healthy glow; why not check out this recipe for a nourishing mango mud face mask? Honestly, is there anything that mangoes can’t do?facemask


Now let’s get down to the real reason everyone is crazy about mangoes: their taste! So refreshing and deliciously addicting, there are many different ways to use mango in your cooking! We’ve found some great recipes for mango in salads, chutneys, smoothies, salsa, pancakes and curries, perfect for diner time.


If you’re looking for something sweeter, mango can make your dessert stand out! Cakes, puddings, sorbets, cookies and tarts are just some of the ways you use mango in dessert! So versatile, just another reason to love them!


But there’s one way to eat mango that we haven’t talked about yet: raw! Sometimes it’s the simplest things in life that are the best! If you’re looking to eat mango just the way it is, you have to know how to cut it. Take a look at this helpful video to guide you through the delicate art of cutting up mango.

Embrace our passion by stopping by Peaches and getting some mango into your basket. When selecting the perfectly ripe mango, use your nose! Ripe mangoes will be the ones that have a fruit aroma around their stems.

Join us in celebrating mango as the Peaches product of the month; after all it takes two to mango!