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Hear me RAW!

One of the most exciting current fresh food trends is the push towards organic, raw food. When we say ‘raw food’, we mean organic food that is unprocessed or uncooked, so it retains much more nutritional value and natural enzymes that are typically destroyed during the cooking process. Feeling tired? A raw food diet will […]

Healthy Winter Warmers

If you’re anything like our team at Peaches Fresh, you’ll know it can be a struggle to avoid unhealthy meals in the winter. As soon as the temperature drops we crave the winter warmers: hearty stews and steamy one-pot wonders. The good news is, you don’t have to sacrifice health for taste, there are so […]

Garlic is nothing to sneeze at!

It’s that time of year again, when everyone around you starts sniffling and complaining about a scratchy throat… yes, it’s cold season! With the average adult catching 2-4 colds each year, you need to do everything you can to avoid picking up the nasty virus. We’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you eat” […]