Product of the Month – Matcha Brew

Matcha has gained traction in the tea-drinking and specialty food communities as a metabolism and energy booster, Read more

Foods to Reduce Stress

March 20th is World Happiness Day, and how better to bring the positivity up than to reduce stress. What’s more, Read more

Protect your Heart

Everyone here at Peaches wants you to be the happiest and healthiest version of yourself. We love fresh food that’s good for you and your family and delicious all at the same time. Which is why this month we’re having a look at good food for the heart. Sure, we’re also about those food trends like acai or coconut water in a can and we can never say no to an antipasto platter, but it’s also really important to make sure you’re looking after your health and putting the good stuff into your body to ensure a healthy future.

One of the best ways to do this is to add antioxidants to your diet. Antioxidants neutralise naturally produced free radicals, which have been linked to heart disease and certain cancers. So just to confirm, we love antioxidants! We’ve compiled a list of some of the best foods that will keep that precious heart of yours ticking.


Oranges are awesome! These spherical, juicy wonders are jam packed with Vitamin-C, which is amazing at neutralising free radicals, and they also contain flavonoid hesperidin, which aids in keeping blood pressure at bay. Try cutting up a few orange wedges for the kids’ lunchboxes to make sure they’re upping their intake.


There is so much right with blueberries. They’re low in calories but jam packed with nutrients and have the highest antioxidant capacity out of all the fruit and veg that we commonly eat. No joke, blueberries are the bomb. So go and get yourselves some blueberries to add to your morning yoghurt and granola or in your morning smoothie.


A great snack for those of us on the go, studies show that almonds help prevent heart disease and heart attacks. The monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants that are found in almonds help to reduce inflammation and aid in artery health. And the really great thing is almonds can go in/on anything PLUS there’s always almond milk to switch to for your morning coffee!


It’s always hard to get the kids to eat their greens, but these ones are worth the hassle. Broccoli contains anti-inflammatory properties that prevent blood vessel linings being damaged. It’s also a powerful antioxidant and contains an incredibly concentrated amount of beta-carotine, another important antioxidant. So jazz up those little trees and get them on your plate!

Green Tea

Surely by now we’ve all heard about the endless benefits of drinking green tea as well as it’s remarkable caffeine levels so if you’re looking to kick the coffee, this drink is the perfect health supplement. But what’s often overlooked is that the humble cup of green tea is great for the heart. It contains our favourite, flavonoids, a powerful antioxidant so you can say goodbye to those free radicles. So if you’re needing a midday pick me up, look no further than a freshly brewed cut of green tea.


And we’ve saved the best until last. Everyone’s favourite breakfast side, the avocado is full of monounsaturated fatty acid, which has been linked to reducing inflammation and has been linked to reducing your risk of heart disease. So the next time you’re out to breakfast and you see a side of avo for an extortionate price, give yourself the all clear to drop that cash and just tell your bank account that you’re doing it for your heart. Or just head down to Peaches and pick them up cheap and completely guilt free!

That’s a wrap on our favourite heart healthy foods, all of which can be found fresh and ready to go at Peaches Fresh Food. Pop in and ask any of our knowledgeable and friendly staff about even more products that are jam-packed with antioxidants that are good for the heart and start looking after yourself today!


Grazing Table

We don’t know about you, but these days we’re not heading to the parties for the drinks. We drag ourselves out of the house after a long day of work to be social butterflies for one very important reason: the food.

 But there’s one thing specifically that makes our hearts aflutter when we walk through the door at a social event. They make our hearts race, our knees weak and our mouth salivate. What is it? It’s grazing tables, of course!

 Those cold cuts presented with loving care, those wheels of cheese that we all fantasize about eating all by ourselves, that fresh fruit that makes us feel better about all the cheese and cold cuts that we’ve just put away. A good grazing table is one of life’s greatest joys. And that, dear friends, is why we’ve decided that grazing tables are our product of the month this month here at Peaches Fresh Food.

 SO how do you create a grazing masterpiece for your next party or event? With a focus on fresh, quality and local produce, you can ensure your guests will walk away dreaming about that soft, creamy Margaret River Brie on a crisp water cracker, praying they get invited to the next one. Here are our top tips to create the perfect grazing table.

 Fresh is Best

No one likes a soggy grape or a stale cracker. The great thing about grazing tables is that your cheeses and meats will be fine to pick up a few days in advance, but make sure your breads, fruits and veg are as fresh as can be. Don’t skimp on quality either! There’s some incredible local produce coming out of Western Australia, like Blue Cow cheese, Swan Valley Honeycomb and Table Top Grapes that will really make your table memorable, and also aid in telling a story about our beautiful state and all that it has to offer.

 Keep it Balanced

We realise that the first thing anyone will go for on a grazing plate are the cheeses or the meats, but it’s important to include fresh elements to balance out the indulgent, heavier foods. Try including fresh fruit like grapes, cherries, figs and cherry tomatoes or vegetable sticks like carrot, capsicum and cucumber. Your veggies will also double as a vehicle for inhaling a selection of dips like hummus, tzatziki or baba ganoush. Carbs are a must, and will go quick with all the goodies you’ve got on your board, so don’t skimp on the crackers, crostini or fresh bread. You could even liven it up with some fresh meats like chicken and haloumi skewers or smoked salmon! Don’t forget your antipasto, including olives, artichokes and sun dried tomatoes. And don’t forget your dried fruit like apricots and raisins, and while you’re at it, throw in some good quality chocolate or honeycomb for good measure.

 Create Dimension

But enough about what goes on the table (or board, or plate), let’s have a look at how you want your final product to look. Grazing tables are very ‘on trend’ at the moment so you’ll find thousands of examples on Pinterest and Instagram of how to set one out. If you’re looking to create an Instagram worthy grazing table, try adding dimension with different levels depending on your table. Against a wall, try creating a higher level at the back so everything is in full view and easy access, or with a circular table, make sure the height is in the centre and tiers out toward the edge. There’s also no need to have your table looking perfectly put together. So tear, rather than cut, or scatter things around at a few different places over the table so everyone can easily reach. Fill in any gaps with a little bunch of grapes or some extra crackers and you’ll be sure to have a grazing table that dreams are made of.

For a one stop shop for everything you’ll need putting a grazing table together, head down to Peaches Fresh Food where we have loads of fresh, local produce that will ensure you have the tastiest and prettiest table on the block.

Product of the Month- Kommunity Brew Kombucha

It’s 2017 and we’re feeling pretty current and on-trend. It’s no surprise that we’re passionate about all things organic and ethical, but we’re kicking off the year by taking things to the next level.

Not only is our product of the month this month organic and super healthy, it’s also coming out of an amazingly ethical company so we’ll all be doing our part for the environment this month, as well as looking after our health.

Introducing the latest Instagram sensation and health-food craze – Kommunity Brew Kombucha.

You’ve no doubt heard the word Kombucha among all the ‘new year, new you’ conversations, but what actually is this strange sounding thing?

Pronounced kom-boo-cha, this lightly fermented, floral tea dates back more than 2000 years and is said to have been used as an immortal health elixir.

Originating from the Himalayas, Kombucha was used to cure diseases such as cancer and arthritis. Jam packed with goodies like antioxidants, probiotics, B-vitamins and vitamin C, Kombucha is super nutritional, and who doesn’t need a bit of that in their life?

And if that’s not enough to get you driving down to Peaches today, wait till you hear about the boys at Kommunity Brew. Taking ethical business to the max, the three best friends, Jarred, Beau and Mason are on a mission to supply the best possible kombucha to Aussie locals. Focusing their business around local, organic ingredients, being cruelty free and ethical, the boys make sure there are no nasties in the Kommunity Brew experience. Their micro-brewery is working towards becoming off-the-grid. Within the company there is a massive focus on end-product waste, with biodegradable labels and recyclable bottles.

But it doesn’t end there, and hold on to your hats here – Kommunity Bew Kombucha is vegan, paleo, gluten free, organic and has less that 2% sugar.

It’s made from a floral tea, virgin-bushland spring water and raw sugar and is fermented in a similar way to cider or champagne. Where do we sign up?!

So if you’re on that new year detox or looking to switch out your coffee for something healthier, or you’re just like us and love a delicious drink that’s good for the body and the soul, come on in to Peaches Fresh Food for all the Kommunity Brew Kombucha that your little heart desires.

For any enquiries, feel free to ask one of our friendly staff members in store.


It’s Detox Time

Google the word ‘detox’ and you’ll find literally millions of ideas on how to cleanse your body and mind. But instead of rummaging through all the ridiculous articles about miracle teas that are really laxatives in pretty packaging, we’ve come up with our own little how-to on detoxing that won’t leave your body devoid of all nutrients and energy, but will instead leave you feeling refresh, energised and the healthiest you’ve felt in a long time.

Instead, we think that the focus of any detox should be on quality, fresh food and drinks that nurture and nourish your body, to leave you feeling like a whole new you.

With any detox, diet, exercise regime or change in lifestyle, your body will take time to adjust.

The first three or so days will no doubt be the hardest, and we’re only human so we’ll most probably feel like giving up. But push through! Once you get through those first few days, you’ll wake up feeling like you could do it forever.

Think about what you’d like out of your detox. If your end goal is to shed those Christmas kilos, make sure you’re watching your portion sizes. If you’re just looking to start the year off on the right foot, incorporate exercise and meditation into your routine. Decide how long you’d like to detox for. Will you detox for one week or a month? Most importantly, keep your overall health in mind. There’s no need to starve when there’s plenty of nutrient-rich food available to you!

Here are our top tips on how to get started on your post-holiday detox.

Processed Food/Refined Sugars

This is a big one, guys. This is where you’ll feel the change. For the duration of your detox, say goodbye to processed food and drinks like fast food, canned or frozen food, processed meats and packaged snacks. We’re going natural. A good way to think about this is, if it’s fresh out of the ground or off a tree, it’s good to eat. In terms of protein, steer clear of cured meats and stick to organic, fresh meat. And say goodbye to refined sugars, meaning lollies and chocolate (sorry!) are out the door.

Go Organic

It’s currently trending, which means that going organic is easier than ever. Organic produce is taking over! This is a really important aspect of your detox as it eliminates all those hidden nasties in your foods, like additives and preservatives, and boosts your body up with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omega-3s. Plus it’s great for the environment and livestock!

Switch Out Your Coffee

So you’ve just got back from holidays and you’re thinking there’s no way we’re convincing you to give up your morning coffee. We’re here to tell you that there are much healthier ways to get that exact same caffeine kick! Try organic teas that are packed with caffeine like green or oolong, or get adventurous and try a Kombucha tea that’s organic and fermented.

Natural Fibre

We understand if you’re not into cutting your carbs completely, and quite frankly, there’s no need to. Carbohydrates are an essential part of any diet as a source of long-lasting energy. The key here is to eat the right kinds. Go for wholegrains only, like brown rice, multigrain bread, quinoa and oatmeal.

So let’s get started! Head down to Peaches Fresh Food now for endless options for fresh and organic produce that will make your detox that much easier. If you have any questions about our products, ask one of our friendly staff members for advice.