Good Value Versus Cheap

Let’s face it: everyone loves a bargain. However, when it comes to doing our weekly grocery shopping, do we go for cheap over good value? Have we been conditioned to believe that cheap is in fact good value? Whether it’s due to culture, our upbringing or our personal and family values, we all have different views on what is good value for money.


So, does good value mean cheap? In most situations that require us to open our purse or wallet, we often measure if our desire to have that product and all it represents is in balance with the amount of money we are prepared to spend. If premium produce, lasts longer, tastes better and is served up to you with great customer service, is that not still in balance with a higher price?


Consider a tomato that was carefully selected from local market gardeners, which was full of flavour, so fresh it was bursting with nutrients and was going to last you well over a week at $6 a kilo. Compare that with a different tomato which was on special, significantly cheaper, perhaps not premium produce and was ready to eat today maybe tomorrow before it needed to go to waste. Would you really want to sacrifice this fantastic quality tomato for one which was lacking in benefits in order to save just a few dollars?


Most of us at some point would have bought something because it was the cheaper option, to later come to terms with the fact that it was cheaper for a reason. Ever had to replace the cheaper option? Throw away the cheaper option? Curse the cheaper option? So instead of saving money, you’ve in fact wasted money by purchasing the cheaper option! #YouGetWhatYouPayFor.


Support your local grocers, they may not always be the cheapest option but we don’t really want cheap fruit and veg, we want good value!