And the Winners Are…
After six fun-packed weeks, our Time is Ripe campaign has finally come to a close! We’ve had a great time running this campaign and exploring different products. Our favourite part though has definitely been showing that organics isn’t just purely about fresh fruit and vegetables; there are so many more organic products around for you to enjoy including pasta, sauces, oils and butter!
We would like to thank every single person that’s entered and congratulate the all of lucky competition winners!
Let’s start off by giving a massive congratulations to all our weekly winners who have scored themselves a $100 store voucher! This sure will come in handy next time you’re purchasing these newly discovered organic products! Our weekly winners are:
- Nikki Ashton
- Carmelle Pietsch
- Gina Giancaspro Flocco
- Lucy Wain
- Doug Bowie
Great job everyone and congratulations again!
And now for the big one! Congratulations to our main winner of an incredible $500 hamper filled with all your favourite organic products! Josie Black – We hope you enjoy your prize, you certainly deserve it after all your effort!
Thanks again to everyone who entered, we hope you enjoyed this competition as much we’ve enjoyed running it for you all. Make sure to keep an eye out for any future competitions. Maybe our next competition will be the ripe one for you! And don’t forget to buy your organics from the Perth store with the largest range!