
Is Organic Food REALLY better?

You will be hard pressed to find a consumer, manufacturer or farmer who will argue with the benefits of organic food. Looking at a variety of studies from the last few years, the research clearly demonstrates that organics promotes good health.

Researchers from the Newcastle University in England recently analysed 343 peer reviewed publications on organic food research to find a definitive answer to the age old question: is organic food REALLY better for you? Their answer is yes!

After gathering this research, they found that organic food contains 20-40% more antioxidants than food grown with pesticides. Antioxidants fight free radicals in your body – a nasty by product of oxidation in the body that has been linked to DNA mutations that can cause certain disease like Parkinson’s. So what does a 40% antioxidant boost mean? Well, that’s essentially like eating two extra pieces of fruit or vegetables each day but without the extra calories!

There are some who argue that the extra cost of organic food isn’t really worth it. But when you look at the statistics, you’re buying more nutritional value for less servings so if you’re comparing nutrition to servings, you could potentially be spending the same or even less on organics than you would on regularly grown food!