Over four million people living in Australia have reported to avoid a certain type of food due to allergy, intolerance or lifestyle choice. Gone are the days when selecting food was a much more relaxed task, depending more on flavour and personal taste rather than dietary requirements. Instead now, there are so many different diets and allergies to consider, a quick trip to the supermarket becomes a lot more complicated. To help you out on your journey through the shopping aisles, we’ve found some of the important diets and recipes you need to know about to keep everyone feeling happy and healthy.
Lactose Intolerance
Lactose Intolerance is when a person has trouble digesting the milk sugars from dairy products. But just because you suffer from lactose intolerance, doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Products such as hard and matured cheeses like cheddar, Swiss, mozzarella, brie and feta don’t contain any lactose so they should be safe for those who are lactose intolerance.
There a tonnes of lactose free recipes around that still let’s you have some of your favourite meals without worrying about dairy. Check out this recipe for a dairy free lasagne that will keep everyone around the dinner table happy!

Gluten Intolerant
There are two main types of people who cannot eat gluten. Firstly there’s those with coeliac disease. This is a condition where the immune system doesn’t react properly to gluten that can lead to damage in the small intestine. The current treatment for people with coeliac diseases is to live by a strict no gluten diet. Gluten is a protein that can be found in wheat, rye, barley and oats. It’s best to avoid these types of food and instead focus on fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, eggs, nuts, milk and fats. Also keep an eye out for any products that have a trusty gluten free sticker on them. The second type of people who avoid gluten are those who suffer from non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. This group does not actually suffer from the disease but instead simply intolerant to gluten.
While sometimes it may feel that gluten is unavoidable, there’s still plenty of ways to still get your hands on some tasty treats. Check out this recipe for some delicious gluten-free banana and raisin bread. And as a fun bonus, it’s also lactose free!
To find out more about the myths surrounding gluten intolerance, you can also check out our previous blog.

This is a type of vegetarian diet where only plant-based foods are eaten and no animal products whatsoever are consumed. There are many different types of reasons for going on this sort of diet including environmental and health concerns, animal rights and religious reasons. Every vegan’s diet needs careful consideration, as some certain food groups have been restricted. For example to keep up protein, vegan approved sources include legumes, nuts, seeds, soy products, wholegrain breads and cereals.
Even with this strict diet, you can still have so much fun experimenting with different recipes and ingredients. Take a look at this amazing chocolate cake recipe anyone can enjoy!

This diet consists of only the food eaten by early humans including meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. Dairy, cereal and processed products are not included. This diet can bring health benefits such as weigh loss, improved blood lipids and reduced pain from autoimmunity. Typical paleo meals include salads, omelets, and meat with some vegetables. But there’s also some delicious paleo desserts to try out, that will put a smile on anyone’s face without having to feel guilty for indulging. Check out this creative avocado mousse with spiced orange recipe, you won’t regret it!

Raw Diet
This diet most relates to only eating unprocessed, uncooked foods including raw fruits, vegetables and grains. It’s believed that heating food destroys its nutrients and natural enzymes that can bring many health benefits. While there are some benefits to this diet including weight loss, and eating foods that very high in vitamins. However there are some consequences, for example you have to make sure that you’re getting enough protein, iron and calcium in your diet. Therefore it may be a good idea to take supplements to make up for any gaps.
For some fun salad recipes to help with this diet, check out one of our previous blog posts.

So there you have it! There are so many different types of diets and allergies to consider, it can be difficult to keep up. But once you get your head around understanding the meaning and requirements behind these diets, shopping for them can be easy. Next time you have a dinner party but remember that some of your guests are vegans and but someone else is gluten intolerant, there’s no need to panic. You can find something at Peaches that can make everyone happy and healthy, no matter what their dietary preferences may be!